Fix Our Climate Laws

Fix Our Climate Laws

Young climate activist Anjali Sharma is working with Senator David Pocock on a bill arguing that decision makers have a duty of care towards children on climate change. And now, the government wants to hear what people like you think.

To help the Duty of Care Bill pass, as many of us as possible need to send powerful messages in support of it. We’ll collect these messages and send them with our 350 Australia submission.

You can write yours in a few easy steps:

  • Introduce yourself – where you live and why you care about the impact of climate change on children

  • Say that you support the Duty of Care Bill and recommend that it's passed

  • You can give some examples of climate impacts on children:

    • Climate disasters like heatwaves, floods, fires, and droughts

    • Ecological disasters like the loss of species, reefs, and forests

    • Threat to food and water security

    • Physical and mental health impacts of a hotter, more dangerous world

Young climate activist Anjali Sharma is working with Senator David Pocock on a bill arguing that decision makers have a duty of care towards children on climate change. And now, the government wants to hear what people like you think.

To help the Duty of Care Bill pass, as many of us as possible need to send powerful messages in support of it. We’ll collect these messages and send them with our 350 Australia submission.

You can write yours in a few easy steps:

  • Introduce yourself – where you live and why you care about the impact of climate change on children

  • Say that you support the Duty of Care Bill and recommend that it's passed

  • You can give some examples of climate impacts on children:

    • Climate disasters like heatwaves, floods, fires, and droughts

    • Ecological disasters like the loss of species, reefs, and forests

    • Threat to food and water security

    • Physical and mental health impacts of a hotter, more dangerous world


Where do you live?

Compose your email

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  • Introduce yourself – where you live and why you care about the impact of climate change on children

  • Say that you support the Duty of Care Bill and recommend that it's passed

  • You can give some examples of climate impacts on children:

    • Climate disasters like heatwaves, floods, fires, and droughts

    • Ecological disasters like the loss of species, reefs, and forests

    • Threat to food and water security

    • Physical and mental health impacts of a hotter, more dangerous world